CDS 4-Step Academy. Step 3: Tech Design
We wouldn't build a house without a high quality blueprint. It's the place where the big picture and the tiniest details come together to create a complete vision. The overall quality of the home depends on all measurements aligning and everything making structural sense. So why would we consider proceeding with product design without the same careful planning?
CDS has built a tried and true 4-step process that can guide you through your journey from idea to product dissemination. We've worked with thousands of brands and found these steps to be paramount in getting to where you want to be. Most of your questions can be answered right here.
The third step is Tech Design. We have valuable information on:
1. Technical Design Packets
2. Technical Line Drawing
3. Technical Design Examples
It's time to dive in! Go through the full second step here. Tell us about your #CDSStep3! And don't hesitate to contact us with any questions that come up along the way. We want to be there for you to coach, inspire, and educate you as you go on this exciting journey!
For more information on this step, watch the video below: