In our prototype service we work in 2-4 rounds of sampling to get the fit and design completely production-ready. Prototyping is a process - the first prototype will not be perfect. We work with you through each round of prototype to prepare the product for manufacturing. During this process not only are you getting a protoytpe, but we are developing the methods in which the product will be manufactured efficiently with the best quality.

Mindy Martell's Mantra! Best advice for brand owners.


With our prototype service we:

  • Cut and sew the first through final round of prototypes

  • Develop production friendly methods specific to your product to prepare for manufacturing 

  • Test and provide you options for how it could be made

  • Give you the opportunity to test your concept and provide feedback on fit, function, fabric and construction

  • Work with you to ensure you understand how your decisions will affect the cost to the end product

Made in USA

WHY we offer this service?  

Because it is important to create the samples in the exact manner as manufacturing. All kinks are worked out in this process.