6 Surprises in the Apparel Industry

When you’re starting an apparel line, it’s easy to assume that all it takes to produce the designs you want is a few sketches, some fabric and a production team. But what you’ll find is that there are several aspects of the process that just may surprise you. That’s because there’s usually a ton more involved than you may expect. Here are six surprises in the apparel industry we’ve learned along the way:

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Mindy MartellComment
5 Things to Look for When Sourcing Your Fabric

Today's apparel entrepreneurs know that becoming an expert in raw materials will give you the edge you need to market your apparel designer skills to clients.

But as a longtime apparel entrepreneur, I've learned that one of the essentials is knowing how to tell certain fabrics, and their construction, apart from others.

I've therefore put this list of five things to look for when sourcing your fabric. Knowing the answers to these key things will make all the difference in the world when it comes to the success of your fabric sourcing.

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