CDS 4-Step Academy. Step 4: Manufacturing

When developers reach step 4, manufacturing, it is a very exciting time. Bulk product delivery feels moments away. And it's true, the finish line is near! But this part of the process has an element of mystery to first-time developers. What's actually going on in there, where are we at in the process, are half of my products done yet? So many of these questions are very common. This is one reason why a visit to your factory is highly recommended, so that a grasp on how this works can be fully understood. There are a lot of moving parts in manufacturing. Within this step, there are several sub-departments with hands on the progression of the product. It starts in one area with marking, then there is cutting & other prepwork with details including grommets, heat transfer, & snaps, and last is sewing. Often overlooked in the sewing step is that products move along in an assembly-line style of manufacturing, so all of the products will be completed at the same time at the end. Here at Clothier Design Source, we like to be as transparent as possible when we work with clients, from beginning to end about the entire product development process.

CDS has built a tried and true 4-step process that can guide you through your journey from idea to product dissemination. We've worked with thousands of brands and found these steps to be paramount in getting to where you want to be. Most of your questions can be answered right here.

The fourth step is Manufacturing. We have valuable information on:
1. Made in USA Benefits
2. Manufacturing Services Breakdown
3. Outsource-Ready Evaluation 

It's time to dive in! Go through the full fourth step here. Tell us about your #CDSStep4! And don't hesitate to contact us with any questions that come up along the way. We want to be there for you to coach, inspire, and educate you as you go on this exciting journey!

For more information on this step, watch the video below:

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