
Featured Jobs

We are currently hiring for:





Operations Manager

Pattern Maker

Clothing Innovator & Technical Designer


Submit Cover Letter and Resume to Info@ClothierDesignSource.com


How to Apply

Submit Cover Letter and Resume to Info@ClothierDesignSource.com

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Here at CDS we strive to create a culture that involves committed and passionate employees.  We foster this through our core values that live at the heart of everything we do.

  • Not quicker, Just smarter - We do not sell widgets, we sell our services. We sell our time, expertise and our talents. Because of this fact we must work smartly to deliver clients the best and most efficient way to get their service done.  This is essential to our success and we are constantly improving processes in this way. 

  • Life/Work Balance - Mindy Martell, the founder of CDS started the company with a strong belief that disgruntled employees that are over-worked are not an asset (because she was one)!  Making sure our employees go home to their lives when work is done and are able to enjoy outside hobbies is very important to us.  

  • Celebrate Successes - You know how it is, people like to talk about negative experiences. We strive to share all successes here and celebrate them! Keeping the positive to the forefront is what this core value is all about. 

CDS Core Values

  • Empowering Ourselves & Others - We employ strong individuals that like to better themselves and others around them. The soul of our company it to empower our clients to improve their products. Constant growth, learning, and improving is a big push at CDS. 

  • Critical & Creative Thinking - We have a right-brain / left-brain atmosphere. A creative eye and input is crucial to our success as a company. On the other hand, thinking critically is essential when the curve balls of development and manufacturing come our way. 

  • Helpfulness...Cheerfully - We have great customer service internally and externally. It's very important for us to be helpful, not only to our clients, but to each other. There are no rolling of eyes here. 



At CDS we offer 3 month internship programs in development and manufacturing.

Submit Cover Letter and Resume to Info@ClothierDesignSource.com