Make Business Decisions From the Couch: Manufacturing Documentaries to Watch.
It's easy to turn the blind eye when manufacturing overseas, so here are some documentaries that will open your eyes to the reality of the situation. Are you in the process of deciding where to manufacture? Are you manufacturing overseas now, but skeptical? Learn about what's really happening where your overseas clothes are made, and make big business decisions from your couch on a lazy day.
Learning about manufacturing overseas is sometimes hard to watch, but it makes us proud of the work that we are doing here in the Midwest. We believe that the price of manufacturing in the USA outweighs the price of social and environmental justice lost at many overseas facilities. Here are two of our favorite documentaries to watch at Clothier Design Source.
The True Cost is streaming now on Netflix! This documentary dives into the impact of the clothing becoming cheaper, and what the true cost of that price is.
Sweatshop is all available to watch on Youtube. It's a reality TV show about fashion bloggers from Norway working at sweatshops where their clothes are made to experience the harsh realities of the workers.
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